What is VIN?
I am proud to say that I am a member of VIN, the Veterinary Information Network. This is a group of more than 45,000 veterinarians world-wide who participate in the exchange of up-to-the-minute medical and surgical information. Information on new treatments, novel ways to diagnose problems, emerging diseases, and new surgical techniques are all things we talk about on VIN. Board certified specialists consult in each area. It is an amazing resource, and allows us to practice at a much higher level than we would be able to otherwise. VIN has a client-oriented side as well, Veterinary Partner. This is information for the pet owner written by veterinarians. All of the information on this site is medically trustworthy. At Veterinary Partner you can find information on behavior issues, choosing pets, and general husbandry as well as accurate information on diseases and conditions.